Podcast Hosted at HelloAudio.fm

Hey there, Habit Thrivers!

In today's episode we dive into the concept of how a "good day's waking leads to a good night's sleeping"( Dr. Andrew Weil).

As soon as we open our eyes in the morning, we are preparing for a good night's sleep.  I know it seems strange but honestly, if you move through your day thinking about your "future sleeping self" it impacts your thoughts and the decisions that you make about your health as you move through your day.   It is really quite cool.

Now that’s not to say you should stress about whether or not everything you’re doing is going to cause your sleep to be disrupted. That in itself could be a surefire way to prevent a good night’s sleep!

I like to apply the 80/20 rule to my sleep.

Basically, this means that I give myself some grace by not expecting perfection 100% of the time.

Over the past couple of weeks experimenting with your sleep routine, you might have set some standards for yourself like:

  • Starting a bedtime routine by 7:30pm
  • No caffeinated beverages after Noon
  • Stopping screen time before 9pm
  • Turning off or dimming all the lights an hour before bed
  • Having your heavier meal at lunch and your lighter meal at dinner

But between the holidays and the weekends and life in general, sometimes it can be difficult to stick with all of those goals all of the time. And there’s no rule saying you absolutely have to tick off those boxes every day.

Let your routine relax a little from time to time, and know that that’s OK:

  • Attend a holiday get-together or dinner with friends
  • Go out for an afternoon latte to catch up
  • Watch a late Saturday night movie on the couch
  • Enjoy a special treat at dinner or for a late night snack

Even if you wake up the next morning feeling a little bit sluggish, if you look back and think to yourself, “You know what, it was worth it!” … just move on with your routine the next day. You truly have the control and power when it comes to your own sleep routine.  So you do you:-).

Love Lorrie xoxox

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Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

Instagram: @Habitguru365

Website: https://lorriemickelson.com