Podcast Hosted at HelloAudio.fm

Well, Habit Thrivers, we have made it through the January blues and to the last episode of this month’s podcast!

So give yourself a pat on the back for pushing forward, listening to your body and (I hope) finding new ways to just feel better.

Today, I’m reflecting back to the first episode this month, where we talked about the “push-and-pull” feeling we all get after the holidays that we either need to be more  active after a lazy holiday or just sit back and chill out after months of crazy planning and partying.

With that in mind, we are going to push forward into February with a special interview with Kate Galliett, a personal trainer and coach of over 20 years and author of “Becoming Unbreakable: How To Build A Body You Love To Live In.”

Kate believes that “being fit for real life is about far more than just exercise,” and she teaches us that we can take a body that feels broken and make it Unbreakable … no matter our age, physical condition or starting point.

Aches, pains and perceived negatives about our bodies tend to lead down a road of reduced quality of life. Even depression.

But, according to Kate, this doesn’t have to be true!

Every one of those sensations is a signal to explore. These signals give us information about the inner and outer state of our body like telling us that we need more sleep or less alcohol or more physical activity, etc.

Kate suggests being an explorer with your body. As we become curious, we remove ourselves from attachment to our pain, situation or circumstance.

Our pain is not who we are … it is merely a messenger.

Kate shows us that changing our relationship with our body’s sensations can give us hope for the future, allowing us to do the things we want to do…

  • Travel
  • Compete in races
  • Paint
  • Perform
  • Create
  • Get on the floor with our grandkids

Anything you can think of … the sky's the limit!

So, what do YOU want to do with your new, Unbreakable body?

Lorrie xoxox

Connect with Kate:

Facebook: Fit For Real Life

Instagram: @fit.for.real.life

Pinterest: Kate Galliett | Whole-Body Holistic Health & Fitness

Website: fitforreallife.com

Buy Kate’s book: Becoming Unbreakable: How to Build A Body You Love To Live In

For Shipping to Canadian customers: Amazon.ca

From Kate’s Book: “Cultivating and knowing your personal values in how you care for your body is a cornerstone of building your personal autonomy and it’s an unavoidable part of the journey to become Unbreakable. It’s an arena where other people have strong opinions that are rooted in their values, and as is often the case with opinions, folks like to give you theirs. But at the end of the day, it’s your body. You get to decide what you do with it and how you take care of it.”

Loving the show? Let’s connect! Find me:

Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

Instagram: @Habitguru365

Website: lorriemickelson.com