Podcast Hosted at HelloAudio.fm

We've all been here: Waking up the morning after a not-so-great night's sleep feeling sluggish, grumpy … maybe even a little regretful.

You think back to the night before, when you got caught up in a Netflix series until way past your bedtime.

Maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time, but the lack of planning and a nightly sleep routine has left your body craving some energy and you paying the price.

This week, on episode #20 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we're talking about creating an evening routine or ritual that will help us to surrender into sleep.

Some of the benefits of a good night's sleep are:

  • More energy during the day
  • Better mood
  • Mentally clearer
  • Less pain
  • Less food cravings

My goal during our sleep focus for the month of November is to nudge you towards a consistent and perhaps earlier bedtime.

Step one is to put into motion things that signal to your body that bedtime is approaching. Your are ready to let go of your wake cycle and surrender to your sleep cycle.

According to Ayurveda, Kapha time of day (6-10pm) is a great time for an evening sleep routine.  Your routine can start hours before bedtime but I would suggest at least an hour before bedtime.

You can do things like:

  • start closing blinds and turning off lights when you are done in a room
  • Turn the temp down
  • do some yoga stretches in bed or on the floor
  • Listen to a meditation audio
  • Brush your teeth to discourage any late snacking
  • Journal or brain dump to clear your mind

Like last week, just explore, notice what works and what doesn't. Tweak your list and do what works for you.

Sweet Dreams!

Lorrie xoxox

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Facebook: Women's Wellness Community: For women wanting to rock their “Me Now” Years

Instagram: @Habitguru365

Website: https://lorriemickelson.com

Books or sites mentioned in this episode:

Ayurvedic Clock: https://lifespa.com/ayurvedic-lifestyle/circadian-rhythm/nobel-prize-validates-ayurvedic-circadian-clock/

Book:  Change your Schedule, Change Your Life by Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar