All of the ways that Aloe Loves your Guts!
Info/Background Discussed: The Aloe Plant is the only plant on the planet that has all the beta-glucomannans (fuels for all specialized cells) that Nature makes. It is the only plant on the planet that contains the beta 1,4 glucan that is the direct fuel for our main white blood cells, our macrophages (our immune regulatory, antiviral. and growth orchestration cells). And Dr Jeri's scrutiny of the research uncovered the fact that only Aloe in its raw, intact form does it contain and deliver these fuels to be able to fuel the macrophages directly. It has to be in Nature's unbroken design to deliver all that the live aloe plant has to offer.
When the pharmaceutical company, Carrington labs (patented Acemannan) found that their powdered version of the raw, pure Aloe (from our lab) only worked on the immune system when in its original liquid form and no longer worked on the immune system (with HIV) when isolated & freeze dried, To make sure the original raw, completely purified aloe wouldn't be lost forever - Dr Jeri founded Herbal Answers, Inc, to produce and make this unique - unbroken, liquified, 'whole' aloe in AloeForce products - known and available to the public.
AloeForce is the only Aloe that removes 100% of all contraindications for aloe and is the only aloe safe to use and drink daily, in high amounts if needed, for newborns to the elderly and for all issues, conditions and situations. Because the irritant/toxins are completely removed it is the only aloe safe for pregnant women to ingest, is tri-doshic (for all Ayurvedic types) and is safe for all blood types (as ALL contraindications for Aloe usage is due to the toxins that others cannot remove completely). Thus, AloeForce is pure and safe for all and all uses and is the only fully effective, immune empowering, regenerative Aloe available.
Topics Covered:
Additional topics include, tendinitis, tinnitus, fungus, hair growth and testimonials.